Three Moms, Three Gifts

Three Moms, Three Gifts

Everyone's mom is different, sure. But commonalties exist, big time. So allow us to mark the occasion of Mother's Day by postulating a Grand Theory of Momness: That every mom we know can be divided into three main types. Bet you recognize one of these ladies. And we've got a curated gift box that will suit her unique style: 

Tea For Two Mother's Day Gift Set. Early Bird granola, Claudia Pearson tea towel, brownstomes mug, Anarchy in a Jar jam

1. Chill Mom. Chill Mom rarely raises her voice. She can hold a Warrior 3 for twice as long as you, and look way better doing it. And she drinks tea. All. Day. Long. So enhance her mellow with the cozy Tea for Two gift box and join her for a cuppa.

Mother's Day gift chai cookies jam chocolate

2. Fancy Mom. Fancy Mom never, ever leaves the house in sneakers. She actually has a third-favorite opera. She takes teeny-tiny bites and chews at least 20 times (and frequently suggests that you do the same). Get her something that appeals to her appreciation of the finer things: our sweet and sophisticated Chai Love You gift box.

Mother's day gift set chocolate cocktail taffy pineapple tumbler

3. Wacky Mom. Wacky Mom has a takeout menu collection that predates you. She "invents" cocktails that already have names. She talks to her pets, then pauses as if awaiting a response. Our super fun Pineapple Express gift box will inspire her to create her most delicious concoction ever (just don't tell her it's actually a vodka sour).

No matter what type of mom you have, you'll find something that suits her in our  Mother's Day Collection.

Brooklyn, We Gram Hard
